It is me again…

It is me again

In a recent post I shared my outrage at the The New York Times and @nytopinion for their publication about how the ag industry is murdering the planet. My post shared my perspective and facts centered around being a poultry farmer. Well, I am also a beef cattle farmer so I think it is crucial to shed some light on that segment of the agricultural industry too.

My husband and I have a small herd of about 20 cattle. Our cows consist of Black Angus, Registered Herefords(full size and mini ones)

Cattle help with food waste by acting as upcyclers. Some farmers and ranchers feed their cattle inedible material such as almond hulls, carrot tops, etc. We personally treat our herd to apples and watermelon on occasion

Globally, beef production accounts for 6% of GHG emissions, but the U.S. production only accounts for 2% of GHG emissions.

There are hundreds of uses for cattle by-products. Cattle organs are used in the production of medicine, insulation, antifreeze and instrument strings

Some cattle organs have even been used in human heart valve surgeries

Photo film, vitamin capsules, charcoal and glass are all derived from bones and horns of cattle

Once cattle reach market weight, they are sent to a processing facility. A USDA inspector oversees the implementation of safety, animal welfare and quality standards.

If you want to gain a better understanding of how animals are raised and processed, I encourage you to ask a farmer instead of relying on opinion based articles.

Information obtained from Animal Agriculture Alliance and Beef. It's What's For Dinner.

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When God closes a door


My name is Katharine and I am not killing the planet…